20 November 2012

Mindful Moment No. 2.

Last night a friend of mine decided to crash on the floor of my room to finish a paper, which was due at 8am today.  (She got it in, thankfully.)  It was for a systematic theology class and she was writing about the Trinity.  We had talked about it before - had pondered the impossibility of trying to explain a three-personed, one-natured God - and she was a little frustrated by it all.  But long after the point when I would have began yanking at my hair, she still had a fresh stream of wonder flowing through her thoughts.  Just think, she exclaimed at one point, that because of Jesus Christ's work on the cross God has invited us into the eternal love and completely fulfilled community that the three persons of the Godhead shared from time before time.  Although we have nothing to offer Him, no basis upon which to stand before Him, He decided to send His only Son for us - a member of the Trinity submissive to death so that we finite creatures could live with Him and in Him.  As she went on, she began to grow inarticulate with astonishment, and ended with "Oh! oh!" as though words had become inadequate to express the magnitude of the thought.  And in that moment I was struck by the realization that in the wonder and joy of those wordless syllables there was more wisdom - and more knowledge of reality - than in any amount of vain droning from an unbelieving philosophy.

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